Social Footprint

My professional accounts. I use my Twitter for general news and science, but my LinkedIn is more active and professionally focused. GitHub is where most of my older work is stored, though most is private. My Stack Overflow account shows questions I've answered or posted in the programming community. My Google Scholar profile is simply a place to search for my papers. Finally, I have created a blog on this website, but it is pretty sparse at the moment.



Here are my publications. To my knowledge all the papers I am officially listed in are in here. Bit of a self-promotion but my first first author paper of my PhD got the cover of Nature Genetics which you can see in the next panel.

* indicates co-first authorship.


Documentation and Data Visualization

For an example of my work in visualizing data look at the CCR Browser which I created myself.

To see an example of my code documentation visit the CCR documentation or the Phen2Gene documentation.

For a further example of data visualization I performed to compare different variant prioritization tools look at pathoscore run on ClinVar.

Curriculum Vitae

My CV can be found here.

You can contact me via my LinkedIn or through my Twitter account.


Side notes about me, or fizzbuzz


Memory, comprehension, communication, motivation

Fizzbuzz (Python)

from __future__ import print_function # so it works in 2.7 and 3.5
print('\n'.join("Fizz"*(i%3==0)+"Buzz"*(i%5==0) or str(i) for i in range(1,101)))

Committed sensitive data to a repo?

No problem.